My Electric Vehicle Journey: Dispelling Misinformation and Embracing Sustainability

My Electric Vehicle Journey: Dispelling Misinformation and Embracing Sustainability

In a world where misinformation often clouds our judgments, making informed choices is crucial. Owning an electric car has been an eye-opening experience for me, challenging misconceptions and offering a glimpse into a sustainable future. In this blog post, I’ll share my personal journey with electric vehicles (EVs) and why my two EVs, a Nissan Leaf (2014) and a BMW i3 with a range extender (2017), have made me a believer in the electric revolution.

Addressing Misinformation: Before delving into my experiences, it’s essential to acknowledge the misinformation circulating about electric cars. Press and online sources sometimes propagate myths about EVs, causing unnecessary confusion, usually because they have an alterior agenda. However, my journey has shown me that many of these concerns are unfounded.

The Nissan Leaf: A Game-Changer: My first foray into electric driving was with the Nissan Leaf, a 22kWh EV with a range of about 80 miles. While the range might seem limited, it was more than sufficient for 90% of my journeys and it was our second car, so we always had an ICE car to fall back on for longer journeys. Here’s what I loved about it:

  • Effortless Commutes: The Leaf made daily commutes a breeze. Charging at home overnight eliminated the need for frequent trips to the petrol station.  The leaf coud be fuly charged in around 3 hours from our domestic home charger (7kw/h)
  • Silent and Smooth: Electric cars are remarkably quiet and provide a smooth driving experience. The absence of engine noise enhances the ride and makes travelling a more pleasant experience.

The BMW i3 with Range Extender: My transition to the BMW i3 with a 34kWh battery and a range extender took EV ownership to the next level. With a range of about 135 miles (which dips to 120 miles in winter), it offered even more versatility. We have used this vehicle for many longer distance journeys to the Lake District (400+ miles round trip) and the South West (350 miles).  The addition of a range extender, a small petrol generator with a 9-litre petrol tank, provided an extra 90 miles of range when needed. This alleviated any lingering concerns about running out of charge, commonly known as “range anxiety.”  Although we never really use it, it is good to know that it is there in case of emergency, knowing that I could rely on petrol stations if charging infrastructure wasn’t readily available gave me peace of mind for longer journeys.

Simplicity and Savings: Transitioning to electric vehicles was surprisingly straightforward. It is more simple to drive than an automatic and with near ‘one pedal driving’ in the BMW i3 driving in traffic or on the open road is a breeze!  Charging at home became a routine part of life, and the cost of electricity was significantly lower than fuel, and throughout the 6 summer months vitually free when charging from outr solar panels. Maintenance costs are reduced as well, thanks to fewer moving parts in EVs.

Conclusion: Embracing Electric: My journey with electric cars has been nothing short of positive. The driving experience is exceptional, and the environmental benefits are undeniable. Despite the initial hesitations and the misinformation that abounds, I have no regrets about making the switch. Owning an electric car has not only reduced my carbon footprint but has also enhanced my daily life. It’s a step towards a greener and more sustainable future—one that I’m proud to be a part of.

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