5 simple ways to help reduce your carbon footprint in the kitchen

5 simple ways to help reduce your carbon footprint in the kitchen.

1. Plan your meals for the week, only buy what you need. Go to the supermarket with a list. Check the use by dates on chilled food. Less food will be thrown away.

2. Eat less red meat and processed foods. We try to have 3 meat free days, using ‘no beef’ mince for Chilli con carne, Spaghetti Bolognese, cottage pie, lasagne or the plant based products now readily available. Roast chicken lasts two days, and chicken pieces make excellent stir fries and casseroles, fish from sustainable sources and fish fingers for two days.

Buy British beef, the carbon footprint is less than beef imported into the UK. We only have this occasionally as a special treat.

3. Reduce dairy intake. We used to buy 2, 4 pints of milk to last the week. We have reduced this to only 4 pints of whole milk and 4 litres of Soya Original milk. This costs approximately the same from Aldi. Soya milk is lovely in porridge and on cereals. There are other non dairy milks worth trying too.

4. Portion control, so that you only make enough food for what is needed but if there are left overs try to use them the next day by microwaving them for lunch.

5. Compost your food waste in your garden or use the council’s bin.  Good composting practices minimize greenhouse gas emissions and helps to reduce  landfill      methane emissions reducing your carbon footprint.



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